Monday, May 31, 2010

The Mapes Hotel: Lost Landmark Of Northern Nevada History

By Ross Everett

On a cold, gray morning in late January 2000, the historic Mapes Hotel in Reno was imploded by 75 pounds of explosives tucked into the art-deco structures support columns. The controlled demolition came despite years of effort by a number of groups within the community and nationally to preserve the building with lawsuits, redevelopment proposals, and grass roots lobbying efforts.

While the logic and necessity of demolishing the Mapes is very questionable, one thing that is certain is that the hotel was an important part of Northern Nevada history. The Mapes opened in'47 and with it ushered in a new era for casino gambling and the state of Nevada. Despite some historical revisionism that suggests that the modern era began in Las Vegas with Bugsy Siegel's famed Flamingo, the Mapes was actually the first building in America to have a hotel, casino and live entertainment under the same roof. The Mapes attracted countless celebrities who'd make it their home when business brought them to Northern Nevada--this included movie stars like Clark Gable, TV stars like the cast of 'Bonanza' and political power brokers like infamous anti-Communist crusader Joseph McCarthy.

In the 50s and 60s it became, along with Lake Tahoes Cal-Neva Lodge the place to be seen in Northern Nevada. The top floor, window-walled Sky Room showcased performances by the legends: Sinatra, Louis Prima, Mae West, Milton Berle, Sammy Davis, Jr., and the Marx Brothers among others. Subsequent years were not kind to downtown Reno but the Mapes prospered during the 60's and 70's. The hotel finally closed in'82, due more to financial difficulties experienced by the Mapes family caused by one of their other Northern Nevada gaming properties than anything else.

While the last twenty years brought an amazing boom in the population and economy of Southern Nevada, the Northern part of the state didn't see much of it at all. For that reason, the urgency of destroying the Mapes is even more questionable. In the Las Vegas area, its easy to justify the demolition of older hotels with simple economics--the older properties simply can't compete in the current mega-resort dominated marketplace. Furthermore, the insane valuation of the land on which they sit makes it financially unfeasible to preserve them as pop culture museums.

This is not the case in Reno, where land and buildings for development in virtually every casino area are abundant. The official reason that the Mapes had to come down was that the city needed the land--which sits along the banks of the Truckee River--to expand its riverside district of art galleries, restaurants and shops. The revitalization of downtown Reno is definitely needed and a legitimate goal, but at the same time it is hard to think that the Mapes was a barrier to this. Indeed, a number of proposals for redevelopment including office space, artists lofts and upscale senior housing would have probably served to enhance the livability of the downtown area. For whatever reason, the City Redevelopment Authority wouldn't approve any of the proposals and the fate of the Mapes was sealed.

The role of the City Redevelopment Authority was questioned throughout the process. Overlooking the Truckee River, the hotel was on a prime location between the downtown casino area and the riverfront district. Back in'96, the city of Reno purchased the hotel and began entertaining proposals for renovation and redevelopment. A number of sound financial proposals were presented that would preserve the integrity of the structure including condominiums, office space, and perhaps most viable, upscale senior apartments. Oddly, all of these proposals were turned down by the citys Redevelopment Agency which eventually led to the demolition of the structure.

After the demolition of The Mapes Hotel, the lot remained vacant for almost a year until a temporary ice skating rink was constructed in the winter of 2001. The site now houses a permanent ice skating rink which, while not a bad use for the land, brings into question the insistence by the City Redevelopment Agency that none of the proposals to preserve the building were viable. Clearly, they had no specific plan or even general idea of what to do with the land but for some reason wanted to see the hotel come down. This has led to all manner of speculation, ranging from financial self interest to a rumor that the structure was 'haunted' and needed to be destroyed to forestall future paranormal activity in Washoe County. Whatever the reason, the city of Reno lost a valuable landmark of a more civilized era. - 38505

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Drew Carey Show Episodes

By Terrie Jenkins

Seinfeld gets a lot of attention, as it well should, as having been one of the most innovative sitcoms of the nineties. However, The Drew Carey Show really made just as many important innovations in the television show format as Seinfeld, even if people mainly remember it as one of those shows you watch when there was nothing else on. Put it on your list next time you visit your movie download service and see what the show was really all about.

It could have just been another formulaic sitcom. Many comedians, they get a TV deal so the first thing they do is create just another family sitcom. The blue collar dad, the football widow wife, the kids (usually a daughter and a son) and the wacky neighbor. The Drew Carey Show, while still being more or less based on the comedian's act, also took the sitcom in a new direction.

Like Seinfeld, it used less formulaic plots and created funnier, weirder situations, but unlike Seinfeld, really applied a degree of surrealism and absurdity to the proceedings. The cast was never afraid to break into song and do a musical episode, or just a musical number in a non-musical episode, and the rivalry between Drew and Mimi was really a fun, quirky driving force for the show.

Like Seinfeld, the show never really delved into the same formulaic plots about Superbowl parties and so on, and really went in a whole new direction creating its own, new concepts for great TV stories. It's about the existential dread, the fear you feel when you're anywhere between thirty and fifty and wondering why your life didn't shape up the way you wanted it to. It's really interesting, and a little deeper than the usual Football Widow jokes you see in most sitcoms.

By the final season, Carey was making somewhere around a million bones an episode, but... The ratings started to slip. Drew Carey had a strong and loyal following, but it just wasn't enough to keep the show on the air any longer. Sadly, the show is not syndicated anywhere in the US right now, nor have they ever released anything beyond the first season on DVD, so watching online is probably the only way to enjoy it anymore.

The most refreshing thing about the show really was that its focus wasn't on the same thing as every other show. No football widow jokes, no stories about the son borrowing the car without asking. The characters are easier to relate to because they don't feel like generic television characters.

The show also feels refreshing in that it acknowledges that mom, dad and the kids are not, in fact, the only form a family can take, nor are mom, dad and the kids the only people in the US who matter. The show is, again, focused on single people, and the result is a show that really validates you no matter who you are in life and what you've accomplished so far.

And of course, it's funny. Lewis and Oswald may well be the second and third funniest comic relief characters of the nineties, after Cosmo Kramer, of course. It's always fun when a show that's already a comedy features comic relief characters. Fourth place, of course, goes to Zoidberg, of Futurama. - 38505

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Synopsis Of Se7en

By Herman Knowles

If you are taking a look at this particular piece, you are likely hoping to learn a little bit about the impressive movie "Se7en." Sure enough, there are many different things that you likely should know about this movie, and most of these will be addressed in the upcoming paragraphs.

You should know, though, that this might contain more about the plot of the movie than you might care to know. Meaning, if you have not seen this movie and read the plot synopsis it might tell you more than the back of the movie cover will. This has a shocking ending, which will not be revealed in this article, so don't worry about that.

The film begins with a brief introduction to two of the main characters through the film, Detective William Somerset and Detective David Mills. The two have been partnered together and it isn't long before they are both on the case investigating two very unique murders unlike anything either of them had ever seen before.

The first of these involves a morbidly obese man who was force fed spaghetti until a simple blow to the stomach split him open, killing him. Later, Mills discovers the word "GLUTTONY" written behind the refrigerator. On the other scene, a corrupt lawyer involved in getting guilty people off the hook for a decent compensation was found dead amongst various dollar bills. The word "GREED" was written on the floor here.

It doesn't take a lot of deduction by the detectives to determine that these crimes are relative to the seven deadly sins. So while two of them have been portrayed, there are still five crimes that are slated to occur to complete the quorum. It doesn't take long for these to rack up either, and they are not for the faint of heart.

To make matters even more obscure, the culprit, John Doe, reveals himself (even turning himself in). He offers to show the detectives Mills and Somerset to the location of the last two victims that had yet to be discovered. They are willing to play along when he agrees to give a full confession that would surely put him away. The last two victims are the last that you might have expected though.

The power players that really made this movie as brilliant as it became were Brad Pitt (Detective Mills) and Kevin Spacey (John Doe). The supporting roles from Morgan Freeman (Detective Somerset) and Gwenyth Paltrow (Tracy Mills) were instrumental in making the other roles as impressive as they really were. This film was not only among the most gruesome and chilling pieces you are likely to see, but it really has earned a spot among the classic crime films of all time.

So, if you wanted to learn more about Se7en, than this should have given you a good introduction to the film. While there is certainly more to appreciate about this movie, you are going to have to learn about that for yourself. So put the kids to bed, and appreciate what so many others have deemed one of the best films of 1995, and likely the nineties altogether. - 38505

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Aberdeen Flight Solutions

By Craig Walker

Aberdeen in the northern part of Scotland has the busiest airports in the world for helicopter traffic. Due to the massive number of oilrigs in the North Sea there is a huge amount of flights to and from Aberdeen taking crew out and back from the rigs. The oil industry in Aberdeen is big business and as such there is also a massive requirement for airline seats from within Britain and beyond for access to Aberdeen.

Partly due to of the oil industry some great new UK city break destinations have become available for local people living in Aberdeen and the adjacent areas. There are different flight companies offering a great choice of UK city break locations including Liverpool, Southampton and Cardiff. When people have a weekend break they do not have much time so they are limited to destinations a short drive away. With direct flights you are able to go much further and see someplace different.

If you are looking to get some bargain offers from Aberdeen you can do this as well. There are non-stop departures to the hottest destinations and vacation hotspots particularly in the summer months and also when the schools are out.

With the arrival of the internet it is simpler than ever to check around for the best flight or vacation deal for your main vacation. It is also easy to reserve departures on their own from Aberdeen and then add-on the accommodation of your choice to make your own personal vacation. There are lots of companies providing vacation hotels and apartments including the ones you find in the holiday brochures so it is possible to save cash on your lodgings. If you get a bargain flight ticket as well you may save lots of cash off instead of booking a package offer.

There are flights from Aberdeen to Oslo and London, which can usually supply you with connections to almost any location on the planet. Even if you want to travel to Sydney or Barbados you can travel from Aberdeen. - 38505

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

A New Experience In The World Of Travel

By Adriana Noton

When one is making travel plans the one place that is close to the United States is the wonderful country of Canada. Complete with its majestic mountains, lakes and other attractions it is one of the most exciting countries to visit in the world. Bordered by the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans, it is the second largest country in the world, second only to Russia.

The history of Canada is fascinating. Aboriginal people originally occupied the land and, after various explorations by European countries a United Kingdom Federal Domination was formed in 1867. It was in 1982 that it took action and severed dependence on the British Parliament. As large as the country is it only has 31 million people, which leaves a vast amount of unoccupied territory.

Canada's official languages are English and French. Quebec has the largest concentration of French speaking people but anyone visiting the country can find an interpreter if they speak neither of those languages. Ottawa is the capital of Canada and Toronto is the largest city. The Canadian Parliament is located in Ottawa and tours can be arranged to personally witness Parliamentarian Debates in person.

Canada has 10 provinces and three territories. The Yukon, Northwest and Nunavut are Canada's three territories, some of which remain largely uninhabited. There are approximately 10,000,000 square kilometers of wilderness that many people using an RV, tent or trailer find to be a wonderful opportunity to explore the unknown.

The majority of the country's population is located along the southern border, abutting the United States. This has offered an excellent exchange of visitations and introduction to the customs of another country. Friendly relationship between these two countries has existed from the very beginning and continues today with great cooperation between the border patrols and visitations across the borders.

The snow peaks of the Rocky Mountains, as well as many other locations, are excellent for the many people who enjoy snow sports. Because of its cool temperature, snow does not melt very rapidly making it excellent for all types of this activity. Many visitors enjoy renting a Skidoo and going on one of its many trails available throughout the country. This is a favorite activity with many people and the proper equipment, including a balaclava, is available.

The winter Olympics were recently held in Canada and people throughout the world were able to see the beautiful scenery that is predominant throughout the country. In addition to the mountains, Canada has spacious wheat fields, beautiful lakes and other natural attractions. In addition, its residents go out of their way to make people feel comfortable and enjoy their visit which is very much appreciated by their visitors.

Many sports enthusiasts enjoy canoeing or kayaking on one of its beautiful lakes or rivers. There are many different places that one can rent a craft, enjoy going down a waterway at one's leisure, and drink in the beauty of the area. It is a return to the wilderness that one seldom finds in today's modern society. There are many tours available for one to explore this lovely country. Because of its size, it would take several visits to be able to take in even a small part of this vast wilderness unless one wanted to spend a great deal of time on their visit. It is like taking a step back in time before huge cities and developments have taken over so much of the land. If one is planning to travel and experience a different type of adventure this is definitely the place to go. - 38505

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

World Cup History - The Biggest Winners

By Phil Lister

The 2010 FIFA World Cup is finally just a stones throw away, and it is shaping up to be one of the best competitions to date. The reality is, a lot of teams are going to have their work cut out to try and get a trophy, mainly due to the fact that five teams have now won the Cup on multiple occasions. Check a World Cup 2010 Forum and find out all the news and views of other people.

Brazil is known to be a strong force in any World Cup, consistently finishing in the top percentage of qualifiers and winning on various occasions. In fact, Brazil are the team with the most overall victories, with 1958 being the first year they ever won. This sparked a huge career for the likes of Pele and Garrincha, who both managed to propel their team to a 5-2 victory against Sweden in an eventful game.

At the very next attempt, they looked strong from the start and possible favorites. It was not long before they got into their stride, which saw them eventually gain their second World Cup trophy. The Czechs did their best to challenge this in 1962, but their efforts were fruitless, eventually losing 3-1. Missing out on a chance in the next World Cup, Brazil managed to reach a final once again in 1970, coming up against the Italians. It was a tough battle, but Brazil came out as the victors with a 4-1 win. This was something that members of a World Cup 2010 Forum are likely to be talking about as we speak

It would be 1994 before Brazil saw another World Cup victory attempt. This time they would come against the Italians once more, hoping to repeat their previous performance. Of course, the Italians were on form, this time holding Brazil to a 0-0 draw. Unfortunately for them, Romario was on form, helping to rocket Brazil to victory on penalties.

A few years later they were back in business, or so they thought, eventually losing to France after an impressive battle. No harm was done though, as in 2002, they managed to beat the Germans to become champions after an impressive 2-0 performance.

Whilst no other team has shown as much dominance as Brazil, the likes of Italy have shown strength. They had a great run before 1950, winning the 1934 and 1938 World Cup. Their third win came in 1982 with Rossi being one of the main assets of the team, with the fourth coming not too long after.

Germany has also showed some form over the years, taking three wins in total. This included their most recent wins in 1974 and 1990.

Brazil, Germany and Italy have won a collective 12 World Cups in their time, showing a huge amount of force between them. Get yourself on a World Cup 2010 Forum and keep up to date with all the action. - 38505

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cincinnati Rips Chicago

By Ross Everett

Former Chicago Bears running back Cedric Benson got revenge on the team that let him go in the best possible way. Benson amassed 189 yards rushing and led his new team, the Cincinnati Bengals, to a 45-10 rout over the visiting Bears on Sunday. Carson Palmer threw for five touchdowns with no interceptions in the blowout victory. Cincinnati improved to 5-2 with the win while Chicago dropped to 3-3 on the NFL season.

The Bengals also made short work of the NFL pointspread, easily covering as +1' home underdogs. Cincinnati improved to 4-3 against the number while Chicago evened their ATS mark at 3-3.

A smug Benson described his feelings after the win:

"Everybody knew it was going to be an emotional day. Everybody knew. What a wonderful day and a wonderful thing, to go out there and strut your stuff."

Despite the evidence to the contrary, Benson downplayed the motive of revenge:

"I continue to be as graceful as I can be. I'm not shoving anything in anybody's face. Like I say, it wasn't a revenge day for me. I just wanted to take advantage of the opportunities."

He said his biggest problem was trying to keep his emotions in check:

"There were a few times where I may have gotten a little too hyped up, a little too antsy. A couple of drives, I found myself having to calm myself down and gather my emotions to stay poised. Once I got past that, we were good to go. Keep it rolling."

Bengals' receiver Chad Ochocinco had 10 catches for 118 yards and two touchdowns. He shared his thoughts postgame:

"I don't understand why it went this way today and why it didn't go that way last week or the week before that. The offensive line played unbelievable. For Ced to run the way he did today and for us to be able to throw, we could have done what we wanted to do."

Chicago gave up more points than in any game all season, a fact that left defensive end Alex Brown looking for answers:

"That was pretty embarrassing. It's embarrassing to come out and play like that. I tip my hat to their whole team. Cedric ran the ball like crazy. They did whatever they wanted to do."

The Bengals will enjoy a bye week before hosting the Baltimore Ravens on November 8. They'll then play two games on the road at Pittsburgh and Oakland. Chicago will try to get back on track this Sunday as they host the Cleveland Browns. The Bears are -13' home favorites with the total set at 40. - 38505

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Mendoza, Argentina's Wine Capital

By Peter Hagemann

When the words "Argentinean Wines "are mentioned, Mendoza comes to mind. Mendoza is the most important region in Argentina for the wine industry. As Argentina wines have made their mark on the world market so has the city of Mendoza. Not only is the city famous for its wine and vineyards, but Mendoza has become a destination for adventure seekers and the many outdoor sports and unbelievable scenery the area has to offer.

Capital of Mendoza Providence, Mendoza is the fourth largest city in Argentina. Sitting at the base of the eastern Andes Mountain range, the city is home to over 900,000 people. Mendoza has become the gateway to the high Andes and Chile. through Argentina's western region of Cuyo. Being closer to Santiago Chile than to Buenos Aires travelers will often make the 6 hour journey between Mendoza and Santiago. The Andes provide unbelievable views to drivers yet some travelers will opt for a flight between the 2 cities.

A irrigation system has been in place for centuries due to the scarceness of water in Mendoza. Once home to three Indian tribes, the Incas, Huarpes and Puelches, the city saw its first canals dug, yet it was not till 1561 that the city was founded by the Spaniards and Pedro Del Castillo and named after Don Garcia, the Governor of Chile. As the city of Mendoza increased, the irrigation system was expanded and today is still evident in road side canals through out the city.

Located at the base of South America's longest mountain range, the Andes, Mendoza has been frequent by several earthquakes. In 1861 the city was devastated by a major quake killing 5000 people. Mendoza was rebuilt with structures that were able to handle the seismic activity of the area, streets made wider and large squares incorporated into the city design. Today San Martin Street and Mendoza's largest park, Parque San Martin are an example of change due to the earthquakes.

Tourism has been a major growth area for Mendoza, being attracted mainly to its two main industries, wine and olive oil production. The road traveled between Chile and Argentina has made Mendoza a major stopping point. Climbers have come to Mendoza to climb the western hemisphere as well as South America's tallest mountain, Aconcagua. Rafting, horseback riding and hiking have also attracted adventure seekers to Mendoza. Mendoza offers easy access to Argentina's as well as South America' finest skiing. Malbec Wines, are a big draw to wine lovers that can be found in the foothills surrounding Mendoza. Many tours of winemakers and vineyards are available to travelers and tourist to the Mendoza area.

Hot, humid and wet summers and dry winters, Mendoza is considered a semi- desert region. Temperatures range in the 90's for January (Argentina's summer) during the daytime, and dropping to the low 60's during the night. Winter will bring temperatures in the high 50's during the day and the low to mid 30's in the night. Annual rainfall is less than 10 inches, thus the need for Mendoza's irrigation system. - 38505

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Watch TV And Movie Downloads Like The Sopranos

By Vickie Mathews

If you weren't keeping up with the series when it was on, The Sopranos is one of your top must see tv and movie downloads. It's too bad to miss out on the fun of watching a show as it's going, as they actually had betting pools and who would get whacked, but better late than never.

The Sopranos isn't just a show about gangsters, it's a show about family, about the unpredictability of life, and most importantly, about the experience of being a human being in a world that throws you nothing but curveballs. The gangster trappings are only the backdrop of the show. The real focus is on Tony and his family and friends, and how they are affected by the life they've chosen.

Unlike the majority of the stories about gangsters, it's really not about the crime stuff at all. Obviously that's a big part of it, but it's not about these people as gangsters, it's about these gangsters as people. Everything that happens to these guys has, at one point or other, in some other form, happened to every one watching it. We've been betrayed and hurt and abandoned and loved, all of us.

Each season only brings more problems for the characters, just as every year brings more responsibilities into your lap.

The ending is really incredible. Some fans felt ripped off, but those people are missing the point. The Sopranos is not about easy answers, it's about the difficulty of life, how confusing and unpredictable it is. The ending actually doesn't carry any secret meaning at all. That cut to black doesn't mean Tony was whacked, it doesn't mean anything except that the show is over. Life keeps going, even with all the fears and worries we have to deal with, there's no finish line, no easy, climactic ending for anyone.

The Sopranos made some incredible innovations in television. After the reality TV boom, people didn't want the canned, predictable stuff of fictional TV anymore. David Chase came up with a show that mixed the storytelling of fictional TV with the unpredictability and realism of reality TV. This set the trend for LOST, House M. D. And The Shield, blending the best of both schools of television and creating a whole new style of storytelling.

Don't go nuts trying to make sense of everything. The show is full of unanswered questions, and just as in life, you'll never figure it all out.

The moral to the story is simply that life is hard to figure out. It goes on and on and you never really cross a finish line, nothing ever happens that solves all problems once and for good. It's difficult, confusing and frustrating, and all anyone can do is just go from day to day trying to make the most of what time they have on this world. That's really all there is to it, and looking for any deeper meaning in the show... You won't find it, and that's why it's so true to life and, really, deeply meaningful in its meaninglessness. - 38505

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Review Of Streets Of Fire Action Film

By Lucy Garza

Walter Hill really created a unique little flick with Streets of Fire. Hill actually came up with the film by simply thinking of everything he'd want to have seen in a great movie as a kid, and then writing a checklist, and making sure he hit all those moments as he banged the screenplay out. The result is one of the all time great eighties movie downloads.

The movie follows Tom Cody, a soldier who's been discharged and returns to his old hometown when Ellen Aim, his old sweetheart, and a pop music sensation, is kidnapped by Raven, the leader of the local biker gang. The film works on the level of fantasy, mixing fifties and eighties aesthetics into a new kind of setting. The environment the characters inhabit is surreal and dreamlike, and the cinematography is beautiful, with rainy streets and neon signs dominating the screen.

The film is really defined by the music, with pop and rock songs blending the fifties sound with the eighties sound. The movie really sort of invents its own, all new genre of music, exemplified by I Can Dream About You, the doowop song that actually charted pretty high on the billboard. The soundtrack is worth a listen whether you like the movie or not.

The story is pretty traditional, standard stuff, but because of the feel, the sound of the movie, this old story of kidnapping and rescue is elevated to the level of Rock and Roll Fairy Tale.

Walter Hill has remained one of the great directors of the last few decades, but rarely gets the respect he really deserves as such. He continues to knock it out of the park with more recent films like Undisputed, and earns acclaim with each new film, but is rarely mentioned alongside Scorsese or Brian dePalma, which is truly a shame, as he's certainly one of the most entertaining directors alive.

Besides the rock and roll, the film also has a score written by blues legend Ry Cooder. The earthy, bluesy feel of his slide guitar offers a contrast to the glossy feel of the rest of the soundtrack, and drives home the "down to earthness" of Tom Cody, the character most frequently accompanied by Cooder's guitar score.

If you want a great double feature, watch Streets of Fire alongside The Warriors. The Warriors is, similarly, a sort of Rock and Roll, street fable, but takes the concept in a rougher, tougher, more gritty direction, while Streets of Fire is a little more glossy, a little more pretty and colorful in comparison to The Warriors and its title street gang heroes.

The movie was going to be a trilogy, with the two sequels to be called The Return of Tom Cody and The Far City, but box office returns came out somewhat disappointing and those plans were scrapped. It's too bad, because it does feel like there was another story to tell in this environment. Luckily, the film has become a cult classic over the years and has earned the fanbase it deserved, it's only too bad that didn't happen back when that would've gotten us a sequel! - 38505

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Stop Over Paying For Movies, Try Movie Downloads

By Casey Cantu

There are many ways you can rent a movie now. The old way of getting movies was the video sore. A new option is movie downloads from the web. Merely make a few clicks and you will soon be watching one of your favorite films.

Those sites that are legal allow you to burn the file onto a playable DVD so that you will be able to watch it at home, even without the aid of computer or laptop. Legal movie download sites have permission to allow downloading of the films they offer. There are other site that often are offering illegal downloads.

The key to finding the best movie downloads site is looking to see if they have the latest hit movies. The procedure of downloading will be very easy. Most sites have easy to follow instructions.

Until recently, the internet users have used peer to peer file sharing sites primarily. Kazaa and BitTorrent are examples of peer to peer movie download sites. They allow user to share movie files, but this might violate copyright laws. Many people use these methods of getting movies.

Most of the sites are organizing their titles for specific movie genres since they have huge selections for your viewing pleasure. There are some sites where you will be required to use a download manager. It is a program where your movies are added to a queue and it keeps track of your movie downloads. Also, it will ask you to install a video player if your computer does not have one.

In Movie Capital for example, they have an annual membership fee that gets you unlimited downloads. You will have an option of either renewing the membership at a lower price or naturally you can terminate it. Once you are a member, they will give you access to their movies. It is important that it is easy to find things on a movie download site. You want to know that when you sign for a membership, their services will be easy to learn, or user friendly in that sense.

A YouTube movie download is legal. They have the approval from the motion picture studios to make the films they offer available for downloading. These "legal" downloads are the ones you should be looking for.

We all value out entertainment time. It will be nice to watch movie downloads in the comforts of home rather than spending your money renting DVDs. Movie downloading is a great new option. - 38505

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Rent Movies With Movie Downloading Sites And Never Pay Late Fees

By Edwin Greene

Tired of running to the video movie store? Chances are you'll get there and the top new movie rentals will be gone from the shelf, anyway. Are you tired of missing out on the top movies when they come out? It can get pretty expensive renting from a video rental store, especially when you have to pay late charges when something unexpected happens and you don't return your movies on time. Movie downloads are a great idea, but it's a risky business, too. Find a reputable site and you'll win big.

When you download movies online, you can end up with a plethora of unexpected problems. Movies freeze in the middle of downloads sometimes. You can end up with incomplete files and corrupt files. It's hard to know where you can legally download movies, too. If you're not careful, you could be breaking infringement laws.

There are numerous online movie rental companies that started this huge trend several years ago. They realized a need before it existed. When the global financial markets started to turn south, people started making cuts anywhere they could. Entertainment seems to have been the understandable choice for these cuts with many families. When you can't make ends meet, it seems a bit absurd to make expenditures for fun and excitement.

There are a handful of online movie rental companies that had enough insight to fill in the cracks before they even appeared. You can get all of the latest rental movie releases sent directly to your mailbox. This service has provided millions of households' world wide a meaningful and enjoyable way to enjoy their nights at home in front of the television.

When you can download movies or rent movies online for pennies on the dollar of your usual movie cost, it just makes good sense. With online movie rental membership, you'll be able to select from thousands of movies that your local video store could never manage to keep in stock. The costs would be far too high and the small customer base would not retain interest.

This lets you see today's hottest releases as soon as they come out. If you prefer having movies sent to your home, these companies have distribution centers all across the country so that you get your requested movie titles fast. Usually you will get movies one to two business days after you request them. One of the great benefits to this service is that you don't have to pay late fees. You keep the movies for as long as you want and then ship them back.

You'll always receive the highest quality online movie downloads when you use one of these services and the downloads are completely legal. When you use your membership plan to view movies instantly, you can watch online on your desktop or laptop computer or through network connection to other devices. Many times, you can download movies onto your cellular telephone and watch them whenever you'd like.

When you rent DVDs online, you're saving yourself time and money while continuing to enjoy popular films in the comfort of your home. You can save money on your entertainment budget and keep everyone happy at the same time. Use your membership to rent movies online, download movie files and watch movies instantly online. There's something for everyone when you rent DVDs online. - 38505

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

MMA Flashback: Lashley Blitzes Cook In Maximum Fighting Challenge Main Event

By Ross Everett

Here's a word of advice to future opponents of Bobby Lashley--don't make fun of his background in professional wrestling. Mike Cook found that out the hard way in the co-main event of the Maximum Fighting Championships MFC 21: Hard Knocks event. After spending the run up to fight week making fun of Lashley's tenure in the WWE, Cook lasted a mere :24 seconds before being choked unconscious via a guillotine choke.

In prefight interviews, Cook had suggested that Lashley would soil himself once he entered the ring (though in not so erudite terms). That clearly incensed the massive 64 250 pound Lashley, who despite his inexperience in MMA is hardly the sort of individual prone to losing bowel control at the prospect of a fight.

Even after the opening bell rang, Cooks arrogant approach to the fight continued as he immediately clinched with his opponent as if he had no regard whatsoever for Lashley's strength. Lashley immediately locked in a guillotine choke and basically yanked Cook down to the mat by his head. Once on the canvas, Lashley cinched it in deeper as Cook flopped around"partially in an effort to escape, partially in an involuntary muscle reaction as he sunk into unconsciousness.

After the fight Lashley gave his opponent a hug and flashed his trademark megawatt smile as if to say I told you so. In his postfight interview, however, he did slip in a final verbal jab toward his vanquished opponent saying that he didn't come to play and that he is all business.

Despite the fact that mixed martial arts and professional wrestling have been interwoven from the beginning, the American Top Team trained Lashley has been singled out by less knowledgeable fans for his tenure in the WWE. Against his next opponent, Bob Sapp, hell be facing a foe that has also spent some time in the worked environment of professional wrestling. In addition to his legit fighting experience in K-1 and PRIDE, Sapp has worked for several Japanese pro wrestling organizations and briefly held the prestigious IWGP Championship.

Even though Sapp's days as a serious fighter are long past and he likely spends less time in the gym during a given year than Lashley does in a month, he does present an element of danger. Hes still got decent punching power, and his sheer bulk will be a challenge for Lashley who could give up as much as 100 pounds come fight night. Still, Sapp's only victories in several years have been against overmatched and/or outsized opponents. In his last fight against an opponent of similar stature he was destroyed in under a minute by Jan Nortje who entered the matchup with a 1-6 career MMA record. Sapp remains a hugely popular personality in Japan, however, and simply by fighting him Lashley's marketability in the lucrative Japanese fight sport market increases significantly. - 38505

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Clippers Fire Head Coach Dunleavy

By Ross Everett

In one of the stranger front office shakeups in recent NBA history, the Los Angeles Clippers have 'relieved' Mike Dunleavy of his head coaching duties effective immediately. He'll remain on board as the Clippers' general manager, and both he and the team cited the demands of the forthcoming trade deadline and free agent market as a catalyst for the change. Dunleavy leaves as the most successful head coach in the team's less than distinguished history. With the Clippers, however, that's not saying a whole lot.

Not surprisingly, there is much speculation as to the back story behind the move. Some with knowledge of the situation suggest that Clippers' owner Donald Sterling wanted to fire Dunleavy altogether, but relented due to the $5 million the team will owe him in the final year of his contract next year. More recently, a bizarre rumor has been circulating that Sterling has approached Isiah Thomas about taking over Dunleavy's coaching position and becoming team president. While Isiah would bring a level of fabulousness never before seen on the Clippers' sidelines, he hasn't had much success either as a coach or executive in the NBA.

Despite the backroom drama, all of the relevant parties are keeping up appearances in public. Dunleavy issued this statement, playing along with the team's insistence that the decision to give up coaching was 'mutual':

"I've come to the conclusion that this is the ideal time for me to direct my efforts toward the many personnel opportunities that lie before us, such as the trade market, the draft and the free-agent process. We fully expect to be active and productive on all those fronts."

Team President Andy Roeser sounded a similar tone:

"We fully agree with Mike that this is the right time to make this change. It just seems clear that the team needs a fresh voice and we hope that our players will respond in a positive way.As we approach the trade deadline, the NBA draft and the upcoming free-agent period, our team is very well positioned from a salary-cap standpoint. Mike's experienced input will be vitally important as we continue to develop our young talented nucleus and shape our team's future."

Dunleavy's agent Warren LeGarie didn't deviate from the script:

"This is something we've been contemplating for some time. There's a shelf life to coaching sometimes. So you constantly have to keep measuring whether [the team's inconsistency] is because of injuries, because of you, or something else. And at some point you have to make a judgment call about what's best for the team, and that's what Mike did."

The Clippers have lost 7 of their last 10 games to fall to 21-29 on the year. They're 17 games behind the Western Conference leading Los Angeles Lakers and 8 games out of the final playoff spot. The schedule won't get any easier for the Clippers after the break as they head to Portland's Rose Garden Arena to take on the Blazers. - 38505

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